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Proposed Bond Issue #17

A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage

Shall bonds be issued by the Columbia Local School District for the purpose of constructing, adding to, renovating, remodeling, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving school district buildings and facilities and clearing, improving and equipping their sites in the principal amount of $38,500,000, to be repaid annually over a maximum period of 37 years, and an annual levy of property taxes be made outside of the ten-mill limitation, estimated by the county auditor to average over the repayment period of the bond issue 4.88 mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $171 for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, commencing in 2024, first due in calendar year 2025, to pay the annual debt charges on the bonds, and to pay debt charges on any notes issued in anticipation of those bonds?

Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal) Issue #18

A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of Columbia Local School District for the purpose of general permanent improvements, that the county auditor estimates will collect $519,000 annually, at a rate not exceeding 2 mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $51 for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, for 5 years, commencing in 2025, first due in calendar year 2026.

©Citizens For Schools, Jason Geanuracos, Treasurer, PO Box 532 Columbia Station, OH  44028

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